Thursday, June 2, 2011

Final; second period

Me and my buddy Melody decided to take a picture that would represent something very special to us which is this date. This is the day were everyone goes their way to follow their dreams and aspirations.This day is what every current senior right now is waiting for. They are definitely excited. June 13 is the day we graduate. For me it still doesn't feel that
I'm graduating, it still hasn't hit me yet. Im aware that there is only a week left but that date still seems far away.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Final ; first period

Me and my buddies Azhalia and Maria had no clue as to what we wanted to do for our final but we knew we wanted to make our final fun. We figured out that we wanted to do something with water motion but we didn't know how to do it so we did some research. We came across this intriguing picture where someone was popping a ballon and captured the water in the ballon form. When we saw that we definitely knew we wanted to try to emulate that. This was the result. The whole process of taking the pictures was absolutely fun but quite hard when trying to capture the water.